Extracting Claims


Extracting a claim is irreversible — ensure you understand what the function does, and take care in selecting the claims you extract.

About Extracting Claims

  • Extracting a claim turns the claim and all its children claims (i.e., claims located in the branch below it) into their own discussion. 
  • Once a claim has been extracted, a link to the new discussion is left where the claim was located in the original discussion.
  • Once you extract a claim into a new discussion, you will be the Owner of the new discussion. The other participant roles remain the same as in the initial discussion, with the previous Owner being an Admin.

How to Extract Claims


To extract a claim, you must have Editor permissions or higher.

  1. Open the claim menu by clicking on the … Menu icon that appears at the top-right-hand of a claim when you hover over it, or right-clicking the claim. 
  2. Select Extract.
  3. Enter the Discussion Title of the new discussion.
  4. Click Create to extract the claim.
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