Viewing Sources in Discussions

About Sources

  • If you want to view all external sources linked to claims in a discussion, for example, to review the quality of primary or secondary citations used by your students, you can view the list of sources.
  • Sources are displayed alphabetically.
  • The claim(s) the sources are used in are displayed below each source, as well as the quote if included.

Viewing Sources

To view sources in a discussion:

  1. Click the Discussion Menu icon at the top-left of the screen to open the Discussion Menu.
  2. Select Sources.

Exporting Sources

You can export all sources used in a discussion in a .txt file. To export sources:

  1. Click the Discussion Menu at the top-left of the screen to open the Discussion Menu.
  2. Select Sources.
  3. Click the icon to open the Sources menu.
  4. Select Download Sources. Your download should begin.
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