Navigating the Discussion Menu

You can open the Discussion Menu by clicking the Discussion Menu icon in the top-left of any discussion.

The top half of the Discussion Menu contains the following options:

Home: Return to My Kialo.
Perspectives: See Understanding Perspectives.
Guided Voting: See Guided Voting.
Info / Stats / Topology: See Statistics and the Infographic.
Sources: Displays a list of websites or other sources users in the discussion have linked to.
Show/Hide Archived Claims: Displays or hides archived claims in the discussion.
Settings: This will bring up the Discussion Settings window which allows you to view or change different discussion settings depending on your Permissions. For additional help with the Discussion Settings window, you can find articles for each feature in the Help Center

If you do not already have Writer permissions in the discussion (see Participant Roles and Permissions), you will also have the option to Request Writer Rights (see Requesting Writer Permissions).

If you are an Admin in the discussion, you will have these additional options:

Suggested Claims: Opens a list of pending suggested claims. See Responding to Suggestions.
Suggested Comments: Opens a list of pending suggested comments. See Responding to Suggestions.
Participation Requests: Opens a list of users who have requested Writer rights in the discussion. See Requesting Writer Permissions.

The lower half of the Discussion Menu has links to your past contributions to a discussion, as well as to claims you have bookmarked:

My Activities: Opens a list of all your actions in a discussion.
My Bookmarks: Opens your bookmarked claims. See Finding a Claim.
My Claims: Opens a list of all your claims that are currently in the discussion.
My Suggested Claims: Shows claims you have suggested which are currently pending. You can check ‘Show archived suggestions’ to also display suggested claims which have been archived (see Suggesting Claims). Note this option only appears if you are a Viewer in the current discussion or have suggested claims pending.
My Suggested Comments: Shows comments you have suggested which are currently pending (see Suggesting Comments). Note this option only appears if you are a Viewer in the current discussion or have suggested improvements pending.

Help/Exit Help option enables/disables Help Mode.

Finally, the language displayed is the language selected for Kialo to use. Click on it and select a different option to change the language.

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