Finding a Claim

Searching for Claims

The search feature on Kialo displays results most “textually similar” to the words searched for.

To search Kialo for a claim:

  1. Click the Discussion Menu icon located in the top-left of a discussion.
  2. Select ‘Search.’
  3. Enter text to search for.

The following modifiers can be used while searching:

  • Searching by author: Add author:XYZ to the search text box, replacing XYZ with their Kialo username, to search for claims created by a specific participant in the discussion.
  • Filter marked claims: Add marked:true to the search text to search for claims which have been marked for review; or marked:false to exclude claims which have been marked for review.

The menus below the search bar allow you to specify what and where to search for:

  • The first menu allows you to pick whether to search claims, comments, or suggested claims.
  • The second menu has the option to limit the search in the current discussion, or search all discussions you have access to.

Finding Your Claims

To view all the claims you have contributed in a discussion:

  1. Click on the Discussion Menu icon at the top-left of the screen to open the Discussion Menu.
  2. Select My Claims.

Bookmarking Claims

Claims can be bookmarked to find them again easily. To bookmark a claim:

  1. Click on the … Menu icon that appears at the top-right-hand of a claim when you hover over it, or right-click on the claim, to open the claim menu.
  2. Select Bookmark.

Bookmarked claims are indexed in the My Bookmarks tab, which can be found in the Discussion Menu.

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