Types of Mark

There are 8 different types of marks to use when Marking a Claim for Review. A claim can be marked with up to 2 types of mark at a time.

  • Unsupported: The claim lacks evidence, either in the form of linked sources or explanatory pros underneath it.
  • Not a claim: A claim must be making an argument, arguing for or against the claim or thesis located above it. Anything that does not do so is not adding to the argument at hand, and therefore is not a claim; this mark is used to point out that problem.
  • Unclear: This mark should be used to indicate that the user marking the claim does not understand the meaning of the claim or some aspect of it, or doubts that other readers are able to easily do so.
  • Vulgar/abusive: This claim is insulting, overly offensive, or unnecessarily vulgar in expression. Kialo aims to provide the greatest degree of freedom of expression, but this should not be misused to attack or insult others – this mark is used to draw an Admin’s attention to serious misuse of the platform.
  • Duplicate claim: The claim repeats another existing claim in the discussion, either in part or in full. This often happens accidentally, when the same claim is created twice or when a claim restates the claim above it using different wording, consequently not adding anything new to the discussion. See Avoiding Duplicate Claims for more information.
  • Unrelated: While the claim is an argument, it does not make a logical connection to the claim above, either supporting or refuting it. Therefore, it is potentially irrelevant in its current location.
  • More than one claim: The claim contains content that should probably be split into multiple claims.
  • Move elsewhere: The claim would fit better at a different location. This mark clears automatically if the claim is moved.

For further information on marking a claim, see Marking a Claim for Review.

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