Embedding Kialo Discussions on Your Website

Kialo Edu discussions can be embedded in external websites.

For LMS platforms, a list of the platforms tested with embedding Kialo can be found in Integrating Kialo in Learning Management Systems.

Note: As discussions on Kialo Edu are private, you should ensure your intended audience has the appropriate permissions to view the discussion. It is easiest to enable Link Sharing to allow Kialo Edu users viewing the embed to access the discussion with the selected role. Alternatively, you can manually invite the intended users/team to the discussion to restrict access to those specific users.

How to Embed a Kialo Discussion

To embed a Kialo Edu discussion:

  1. Navigate to the discussion you want to embed.
  2. Click the Share button found in the top-right of the discussion.
  3. Click Embed Discussion. A popup appears.
  4. Click Copy to copy the embed code.
  5. Paste the code into the relevant part of your website.

Sample Embed

An example embedded discussion is shown below.

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