Displaying Claim Authors

About Displaying Claim Authors

  • Discussion Admins can choose to display the username and avatar of the user who created a claim above the claim. This makes it easy to see who created a claim without having to open the Comments & History section.
  • When enabled, claim authors can either be displayed only for discussion Admins or all users in the discussion.
  • This setting can be enabled when creating a discussion/using a template, or enabled at a later time as required.
  • If a claim has been linked from another location, both the original author of the claim and the user who linked the claim in the current location will be displayed.

Enabling/Disabling Displaying Claim Authors

To enable or disable displaying claim authors: 

  1. Click the Discussion Menu icon in the top-left of a discussion.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Navigate to the ‘Show authors above claims’ setting and select one of the following options:
    • Never: Claims authors are not displayed.
    • Only for Admins: Claim authors are only visible for participants with the Admin or Owner role in the discussion.
    • For all users: All users are able to see claim authors.
  4. Once finished, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
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